About WCTS
What Canst Thou Say? is an independent publication cooperatively produced by Friends who have felt the movement of the Spirit and wish to deepen their understanding of it by interacting with others who also have had experiences of the Divine. Issues contain stories of mystical experience and the growth that comes through contemplative practice. WCTS has been produced since 1994 and is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November. The current editorial team is Judy Lumb, Michael Resman, Rhonda Ashurst and Earl Smith. Members of the production team include Lissa Field, Lieselotte Heil, Grayce Mesner, Eleanor Warnock, George Hebben, and Janice Stensrude.
What Canst Thou Say? has two blogs: Quaker Mystics: Gathering for Discernment of God’s Guidance was created to support gatherings sponsored by What Canst Thou Say, including information about future gatherings and the epistles from past gatherings. Soon after creating the Quaker Mystics blog, the editors found the need for another blog to support the journal What Canst Thou Say, Worship Sharing in Print was created to publish essays between quarterly issues, or those that didn’t fit in the journal. If you would like to contribute to either of these blogs, contact Judy Lumb <judylumb@yahoo.com>.
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WCTS c/o George Hebben, 2811 West B. Ave., Plainwell MI 49080
WCTS Subscription form
The WCTS website <whatcansstthousay.org> has back issues of print versions up to a year ago and all web versions.
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Please send this form to: WCTS c/o George Hebben, 2811 West B. Ave., Plainwell MI 49080
To Submit a Story
Send email message with attached electronic document to WCTS Editors <WCTSeditors@gmail.com>.
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If reading an issue feeds a hunger in you for sharing on matters of the Spirit, we invite you to become a subscriber, a writer, and even a member of our production team.